You rejoice "in the Lord." No matter what's happening, you can rejoice in God's love, care, wisdom, power, and faithfulness. 你在主里喜乐,无论发生什么事,你都可以在神的爱中、看顾中、智慧中、能力中以及信实当中喜乐。
Now is your time to surrender-to God's grace, love, and wisdom. 现在就是降服的时刻&-降服在神的恩典、爱和智慧中。
Anytime you reject any part of yourself, you are rejecting God's wisdom and sovereignty in creating you. 当你抗拒自己任何一部分时,就是否认神创造你的智慧和主权。
Pray for God's leading, wisdom, guidance and protection for the Finance Committee as they serve together as a team in unity with team spirit and a common vision. 恳求神带领、守及赐智慧予财政委员会,让委员们有合一的团队精神及共同异象,一起配搭服侍。
In all these situations, you need God's wisdom, His direction, to help you make the right decisions. 所有的这些事,你都需要神的带领,神的智慧来做出正确的决定。
As we read through this book of Proverbs we are going to be struck with so many similar ideas – for it is a book of God's wisdom whose price is far above rubies. 当我们通读《箴言》这本书时,我们会读到许多相似的意思&因为它是关于神的智慧的书,它的价值远远高于红宝石。
We, the church, the() of God's work, are a poem expressing God's infinite wisdom and divine design. 我们召会是神工作的(),也是一首诗章,彰显神无穷的()和神圣的()。
Faith in God's power and wisdom over all His creation. 相信神在祂所造的一切之上都有权能和智慧。
Learn to make God's Word come alive to kids, using all wisdom to help kids love to memorise scriptures. 学习如何生动活泼的教导儿童神的话语,用各样的智慧使儿童乐于背诵经文。
Imagine a world in which everyone knows the riches of God's wisdom and each person has tasted God's grace and understands how to give it. 设想一个这样的世界,当中所有人都知道神的智慧的丰盛,每一个人都尝过主恩的滋味,而且知道如何与人分享这份恩典。
For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength. 因上帝的愚拙总比人智慧,上帝的软弱总比人强壮。
A father, if he's going to build a relationship of trust with his children, must build it on God's word and not on human wisdom. 如果一个父亲想和孩子建立信任的关系,那么他必须把这种信任建立在神的话语上,而不是依靠人的聪明。
One great cause of prayerlessness is that we read God's Word too little, or only superficially, or in the light of human wisdom. 没有祷告的一个大原因,就是我们读神的话读的太少,或者只是表面的读,或者只是在人的智慧里读。
God's great wisdom has left to us human beings the creation of a world in which we can devise and practice virtue. 上天的大智慧为人类创造了一个可供我们设计和践行美德的世界。
The world is changing as man creates; man claims to have acquired God's wisdom, and transforms the blueprint of nature into new images, from which he gains endless aesthetic satisfaction. 世界迫于我们的创造在改变,人类的智慧自持为上帝之手的延伸,自然图纸经由人的立法而呈现为新的图像,在新的图像中我们得到我们的审美满足。
In God's wisdom, those same weather patterns sometimes bring droughts or floods or earthquakes. 以他的智慧,神也让气象规律带来旱灾、洪水和地震。
My husband and I have always search for God's wisdom and direction to raise our kids for his glory. 我先生和我一向是寻求神的智慧与方向,希望能在神的荣耀中教导孩子。
Do you listen in on god's council? Do you limit wisdom to yourself? 你曾听见神的密旨麽。你还将智慧独自得尽麽。
The dragon dance, accordingly, has been elevated from asking for God and rain to expressing people's courage, pride and wisdom. 龙舞已从祈神、求雨而升华为人们表达豪情壮志、展现群众智慧的舞蹈形式。